Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Churches and Elections

One thing that has been on the hearts of those at Simple House is praying for the elections that are just 3 weeks away. We have been part of a movement called "Facedown 40." It is 40 days of prayer and fasting for the elections. Justice House of Prayer, International House of Prayer, The Call, and IHOP Tallahassee are just a few organizations who are participating.

I challenge you all to pray that God will have mercy on our nation and that we will elect a Pro-Life, righteous President! Pray like your life and your children's lives depend on it. Because they do.

Also, pray that God will awaken churches to stand for LIFE, JUSTICE , and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
So many churches are sitting around scared to come against unrighteousness. If we do not do it, who will???? Take a stand and pray. Act, Vote, Obey, Pray.

Simple House is going well. We still LOVE our floors. Family Dinners are going well. Chores are going pretty well when they get done. :)
Adam and I looked pretty funny this past week buying 2 grocery carts full of groceries and paper products at Sam's Club. But it takes a lot of food to feed 7 grown people.

Love you all. Thank you for the prayers.

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