Thursday, July 24, 2008

Certified Letter

Yesterday, Adam and I checked the mail when we got home. We recieved a notice from the post office that we had a certified letter to pick up. We joked about what it possibly could be, and then determined that it had to be from the bank or a bill. I dreaded it during the ride to the post office today, wondering what would be inside that certified letter. As I stood at the counter though and signed for the letter, I glanced over to see who it was from. It was from our old property manager. They were mailing us our refunded deposit from our old rental house. It was money! They weren't asking us to give them money. It was a check for us! YAY! Praise God. We had completely forgotten about it and God proved Himself faithful once again. The money came just in time. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall NOT want. Amen.

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