Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been a while....

It has been a while since I've updated due to the craziness of our lives.

Recently we painted our dining room, office, and family room. The combination of paint and the beginnings of base boards completely transform the rooms! It is looking more homey at the completion of every project.

We have been chopping up the wood from the tree that fell in Tropical Storm Fay, and have had fires going in our fire place. Fun!

The weather is getting colder, and the holidays are bringing more busyness... but we are excited about decorating for Christmas!

If you haven't checked out the Live 24-7 prayer room at, please check it out! We love having IHOP-KC on at the house.

We love you all. Keep us in your prayers. Family dinners are still going good. Everyone stays busy with the Kingdom of God, but we have managed to build a community of God-Chasers striving for unity, purity, and ministry.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Churches and Elections

One thing that has been on the hearts of those at Simple House is praying for the elections that are just 3 weeks away. We have been part of a movement called "Facedown 40." It is 40 days of prayer and fasting for the elections. Justice House of Prayer, International House of Prayer, The Call, and IHOP Tallahassee are just a few organizations who are participating.

I challenge you all to pray that God will have mercy on our nation and that we will elect a Pro-Life, righteous President! Pray like your life and your children's lives depend on it. Because they do.

Also, pray that God will awaken churches to stand for LIFE, JUSTICE , and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
So many churches are sitting around scared to come against unrighteousness. If we do not do it, who will???? Take a stand and pray. Act, Vote, Obey, Pray.

Simple House is going well. We still LOVE our floors. Family Dinners are going well. Chores are going pretty well when they get done. :)
Adam and I looked pretty funny this past week buying 2 grocery carts full of groceries and paper products at Sam's Club. But it takes a lot of food to feed 7 grown people.

Love you all. Thank you for the prayers.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Justice, Ravioli, Chores, & Peace....

Okay, I know the title is wierd, but those were the thoughts I had.
Seeing God's justice has been on our minds. check out We have been praying for God to end abortion and establish righteousness and justice in our Florida Supreme Court and in the US Supreme Court. We have also been praying for God to awaken the churches to the issue of LIFE.
We had ravioli on Monday night for family dinner. It was good! :) We also had salad and bread. The rolls seem to fly off the plate. They are the frozen kind you stick in the oven.
We assign chores now, and it has been great. The house has been staying pretty clean! :) Which is a great task when there are 7 people in the house.
In the midst of changes and stuff going on, God has given peace. I trust what the Lord has spoken and I will pray until I see it through. I refuse to give up or get discouraged when there is a bump in the road. I will simply pray harder and keep going. I know what we are called to do.

Please continue to pray for us. I know they are working. God is always all that we need.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Please keep us in your prayers. The past week has been a rocky one. Please pray for a covering over all those involved with the house and pray that God gives us wisdom and understanding.

Be careful when you pray for the Father's heart. You just may get your prayer answered and you will feel the love, pain, and brokenness that He has for us.
He is still faithful and still on the throne.

Love you guys...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Family Dinners and Floors

Simple House is going great!
We officially have ALL of our floors done! YAY!!!!!!!
It looks amazing, and it feels like a real home! We have started moving all the furniture to its rightful place.

We still need to finish some walls and paint the common areas, but praise God! We are so close to being "mostly done."

We also have started having family dinners. They are a blast. It is so much fun to get everyone together after our crazy schedules, to just sit down and enjoy good food and fellowship. I made chicken and rice casserole (recipe from my grandmother) and chili at different points this week. Cooking for 10-12 is always fun! :)

Thank you so much for all the prayers. I don't know how we would be making it otherwise. God is so awesome! We also had someone give us a couch, loveseat and desk! What a blessing!! God is good.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It is official. We now have floors! Wow. I bet none of you ever thanked God for carpet as your feet hit the floor in the morning, but yesterday, I certainly did. :)
They are finishing installing the carpet today, and our wood floors are almost complete. The tile is already done. The Lord is so faithful. And wow~ it is great to have floors.

Simple House is going great with 8 people now in the house. It is always an adventure. Right now, it is mostly working on the house, but I am looking forward to the day when we can kick back, and read/pray/study. :) yay!

I am constantly having flashbacks whenever I am standing in a room in the house back to when Adam and I first looked at the house. I see what it is now, and I remember what it was. God is amazing. He does the same for our lives. He makes it all new. We can look back and remember what we were and what He has now made us. The mercy of God. It reminds me of the line from a Misty Edwards song, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You make all things new, All things new..."

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Quick Update

Just to give a quick update.
Simple House was probably in one of the worst parts of town that Tropical Storm Fay hit.
We lost electricity (but bought a generator), therefore our water pump didn't work (because it ran on electricity). But we survived. Our field that used to be a pond years ago totally filled up!!! It actually filled up so much that we were concerned about it coming up to the house. But it stopped a few yards before the house. A couple of us washed our hair outside in the rain. It was freezing but fun! A tree fell on our dirt road blocking us in, but some help came to help us cut some of it down, giving us a way to get out. Saturday was filled with digging trenches, cutting up a tree, pumping water out of our basement, washing hair in the rain, using a generator to make baked spaghetti, and trying to keep from being bored.

So in conclusion, we have conquered Tropical Storm Fay. However, we still don't have electricity. It was fine when it was raining, but it is beginning to get hot! But we rejoice in all situations. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Certified Letter

Yesterday, Adam and I checked the mail when we got home. We recieved a notice from the post office that we had a certified letter to pick up. We joked about what it possibly could be, and then determined that it had to be from the bank or a bill. I dreaded it during the ride to the post office today, wondering what would be inside that certified letter. As I stood at the counter though and signed for the letter, I glanced over to see who it was from. It was from our old property manager. They were mailing us our refunded deposit from our old rental house. It was money! They weren't asking us to give them money. It was a check for us! YAY! Praise God. We had completely forgotten about it and God proved Himself faithful once again. The money came just in time. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall NOT want. Amen.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Make it Simple, Just You and Me God!

I'm sorry I have not posted in a while. Simple House has kept us very busy. We now have 6 total people living in the house including Adam and I. We are almost done painting the bedrooms, and walls are beginning to look a little more like rooms.

One thing I will say is that God's revelation is being poured out. It has been incredible to hear the dreams and visions and revelations from God that those living here are experiencing. There is something about getting rid of the needless junk in your life and making room in your heart, mind, and time for God to speak to you.

Adam and I were starting to feel a little worn out so we recognized Sunday as the Sabbath and did not do anything for renovation. It felt great to just sit back and enjoy God, people, and the house. We figured out that 3 of the trees in our backyard are Pear Trees!!! Yum! If they all ripen correctly without diseases or bugs, we are going to have A LOT of fruit! :) YAY!

God is so faithful. It is pretty remarkable to see the vision that God gave you begin to take shape. And to live in the fulness of that -- wow. The Lord is faithful. Always.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Rollercoaster

From March to the last week in June, I felt like I was on a rollercoaster going up the hill. I felt like at JHOP I was sitting on the hill temporarily... and as soon as I got home, we were off on the rollercoaster ride. Everything is happening very quickly. I barely have time to stop and look around, much less write a blog about it. But it is good. We are not overwhelmed. I don't have time to be overwhelmed. :)

There is still a little insulation to be put in but the majority is done. Adam has been building walls for the prayer room with the help of many. Another handful of us have been painting the bedrooms so we can get carpet in soon. Floors should start going in soon.

Three people have already moved in with us.... soon to be four. God is doing a quick thing and I truly feel like I am just along for the ride. People keep asking me questions about logistics, and I just answer them "All I know is what I am doing right now. We will cross that bridge when we get there."

It is an adventure. Please keep us in prayer. We need it. But God is so faithful.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Quick Update

We bought the house!!! It is officially ours. While I was in DC at Justice House of Prayer, Adam and an amazing group of people packed and cleaned our old house, cleaned our new house, and moved everything over. They were angels from Heaven! :) Oh yes... and DC was AWESOME!

God is so good. Adam, Adam's dad, Shawn and some others finished the insulation in the attic. We are still trying to rearrange, clean, and open boxes. We are putting in walls this week so we can start on floors next week. What an adventure. Everything is going well. God seems to be teaching us patience and that His mercies are new every morning.

Simple House is in construction mode. But the vision has become reality. Wow. God is good!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above All We Ask or Even Think!

Okay, here's the update.
Because I am going to Justice House of Prayer in DC for next week, I am signing papers to close tomorrow (Friday) and Adam will officially close on the house with the sellers on Monday!!!!

God is so faithful!
On top of it all, a woman who has been helping us with the loan at our bank told us that she had some friends who were giving away a futon bunk bed, and she asked us if we were interested! To which we immediatly answered "Yes!" I think Adam will organize to pick it up next week. It'll be perfect in the guys' room!

Wow. I have no words. Only a smile, and a "wow." Thank you Lord. The joy and excitement inside of me is barely being contained. God is faithful. He never leaves us on our own.

Faith. Followed by God's unending Faithfulness.

Once again, wow.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Oh God!

After a whole day of calling insurance companies and getting denied for one reason or another, God shone a light through the darkness and we got approved, got a quote, and are having a policy written up for the property!!! YAY!

God is so faithful. We could close on the house as early as Friday. wow. Adam and I are just blown away by the awesomeness of God. At so many points already, this thing seemed like it "just wasn't going to work" according to man's standards. We pushed through though, and wow. God made a way where there was no way in EVERY area of this process.

Praise God. I just can't seem to stop smiling. This faith walk is taking us to whole new levels, but the overwhelming sense of God's faithfulness is on the other side of it. wow. **sigh**

Okay, off to church...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wasn't this supposed to be easy?

So I don't know why but this secret part of my head assumed this process would be easy.
We have been dealing with the bank with loan stuff and wood rot reports and homeowner's insurance. It isn't necessarily difficult, but just seems a little overwhelming. The part that seems the most overwhelming is that there isn't a clear finish line of the work being done. Once we close on the house (which we are hoping is within the next couple of weeks), the work will only be beginning. There will be floors to be put in the entire house, insulation to be put in the attic, walls to put up, lanscaping to do, painting and decorating. Not to mention the little things like finding a refrigerator... And not to mention we have to move out of our current little house and have it cleaned by June 30. Oh yes, and I am going to be out of town June 23-28.

But God is faithful. Adam and I recognize that on this river of the dream God has given us, we are on a rapid right now. We are paddling hard and hanging on to the faith that God is the one who called us into this! :)

Please pray for us. We are a little overwhelmed, but Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Friday, May 30, 2008

The House

God gave us a house.
It is 3500 square feet, 5 bedrooms, and 3 1/2 bathrooms! It has an acre and a half. Even fruit trees!!! The layout of the house is exactly what we needed! God has been so faithful. It is half the price per square foot that houses in the area are. Such a gift from God! We are in the buying process. We have agreed on a price, and now we are in the inspection/appraisal/final approval process.

The house needs a lot of work. Just like having a baby requires labor, I believe this house will require blood, sweat, and tears, but the reward and return on the ministry of the house will only be that much greater! It is a phyiscal and spiritual investment in the Kingdom of God.

God has been so faithful! We were only looking a week and we found the house on-line! God's hand has been in this thing every step of the way.

Please pray for us as we continue to move through the process. I'll put up pics soon!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Vision

God gave us a vision. A vision of a simple life. A life free from television, movies, and secular music. But not just for the sake of living simply, but for the sake of living pure and holy before God.

A vision of a house - a simple house - filled with life and people that live as a community to encourage one another living holy before the Lord.
A Simple House with the focus of holiness and ministry.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)

Pure and undefiled religion. The two greatest commandments: Love God and Love People. Showing compassion, justice, and mercy to others and keeping yourself holy before God.
Radical? yes. Extreme? yes. But God has told us to do this and we have learned that when God tells you to do something, Obey. He will take care of the details if you just obey.
Seek His Kingdom above all else.

We have the vision. We have some of the people. Now we need the house.
Please pray for us.
Here the journey begins.