Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It is official. We now have floors! Wow. I bet none of you ever thanked God for carpet as your feet hit the floor in the morning, but yesterday, I certainly did. :)
They are finishing installing the carpet today, and our wood floors are almost complete. The tile is already done. The Lord is so faithful. And wow~ it is great to have floors.

Simple House is going great with 8 people now in the house. It is always an adventure. Right now, it is mostly working on the house, but I am looking forward to the day when we can kick back, and read/pray/study. :) yay!

I am constantly having flashbacks whenever I am standing in a room in the house back to when Adam and I first looked at the house. I see what it is now, and I remember what it was. God is amazing. He does the same for our lives. He makes it all new. We can look back and remember what we were and what He has now made us. The mercy of God. It reminds me of the line from a Misty Edwards song, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You make all things new, All things new..."

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