Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Oh God!

After a whole day of calling insurance companies and getting denied for one reason or another, God shone a light through the darkness and we got approved, got a quote, and are having a policy written up for the property!!! YAY!

God is so faithful. We could close on the house as early as Friday. wow. Adam and I are just blown away by the awesomeness of God. At so many points already, this thing seemed like it "just wasn't going to work" according to man's standards. We pushed through though, and wow. God made a way where there was no way in EVERY area of this process.

Praise God. I just can't seem to stop smiling. This faith walk is taking us to whole new levels, but the overwhelming sense of God's faithfulness is on the other side of it. wow. **sigh**

Okay, off to church...

1 comment:

Jodi Ann said...

WHOHOOO!! so exciting! God's goodness is so dang good! :)